If punk were around during the golden era of railway travel, and perhaps it was a mode of transport, it would be akin to that which gets us to a place. That place is to each their own. I happen to like pop/punk as much as I do hardcore punk. There are the railway ties of punk, that which holds both together and keeps us on the straight and narrow. Enough metaphorically mesmerizing allegory sh*te, lets get to what this is: punk rock music plain and simple. Generally three chords, growling vocals and lyrics to p*ss parents off.
A fairly new band from London, Ontario, TVD is made up of some serious veterans of the stage and studio. The name comes direct from the band members’ surnames – Mike Timmins on guitar and vocals, Paul Venno on drums and Pete Dekoker on bass and vocals.
On this their first release they are check, check and check on all 3 aforementioned punk rock prerequisites. Even though I am a parent, I am not p*ssed off at the lyrics, simply because I believe in pure lyrical freedom. I have enough that p*sses me off in life and lyrics will never do that to me. I am sure the neighbors have considered calling child services when they hear some of the music I listen to, knowing our kids are hearing it too. Oh well! I have a few punk phrases in mind for you if that is your problem.
TVD seem to relish the 2 minute punk standard, which I appreciate as well. There are 14 songs on the release and they rotate between Mike and Pete on vocals for the most part and have a few covers as well.
I have yet to see the band live, but am hoping to sometime in the near future, as I imagine they have some energy on stage to go alongside the frenetic drums and vocals, leaning more on the hardcore side of punk.
The title song “TVD” is fun lyrically and has an argument worth making alongside the band name.
I love the electronic sounding start to “Living Proof”. It has an uncommon punk intro and I appreciate the risk being taken here, as I am a fan of EDM as well.
“Crucify” is a highlight, as is “Victim Impact Statement”. Both are extremely strong, tight and pounding punk songs. These will have regular air time in my playlist.
“Thoughts” is a very strong song, as it departs a little from the rest of the songs on the release but not in any negative way. It has a much more raw and different guitar vibe to it, which is meant as a complement. It actually fits very well after “Victim Impact Statement” and before the final song “GDMFSOB”. I like the higher vocal notes too.
Cover songs include El Destroyo’s “Hey Everybody”, Keith Whittaker’s “I’d Kiss You Honey Buy You’re Standing On My Bottom Lip” and Bad Posture’s “GDMFSOB”.
If you are into punk rock music then this is for you. If you just wear The Ramones shirt, why not try listening to what you wear?
All around solid release. Glad to hear punk rock music is this strong in 2016.
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