This week we bring you volume 17 of our Radio Sucks Radio Show series. If you’re new to the show, it’s basically us spinning some tracks, old and new, that we think you’ll enjoy. Don’t expect to hear the same singles that have been run into the ground by classic rock radio. Expect to hear deep cuts from great veteran bands as well as awesome new tracks that the radio guys in suits and ties continue to ignore.
This volume’s selection includes classics from UFO, Sea Hags, D.A.D. and Legs Diamond along with brand new tracks from Rubicon Cross, California Breed and Rival Sons. Also featured are killer cuts from Kyng, Mutha’s Day Out and Rearview Ghost.
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Legs Diamond
Sea Hags
California Breed
Rubicon Cross
Rival Sons
Rearview Ghost
Mutha’s Day Out
Geeks of the Week:
Facebook:Robert De Pasqua, Matt Syverson, Vic Baric, Spencer Wetmore, Wally Norton, Rodney Dickson, Brent Walter, Andrew Jacobs, Kal Hinz, Brad Kalmanson, Lee Maslin (Audio Junkies podcast), Derik Novak, Jason Thomas Broadrick, Darrell Millar, Billy Hardaway, Rob Strabley, Sit and Spin with Joe, Rich Dillon, Dori Evans, Kate Campbell, Hair Metal Mansion, Jodie Block, Metal Newz, Pitriff, Killer Dwarfs
Twitter: paddymackcomedy, HMMOfficial, Mitch Lafon, djnovak, JeffLudban, SupaDupaPoopaScoopa, musicmagsandwax, billyhalehardaway, tom, DonNitschke, Killer Dwarfs, Ryan McKay, Andrew Jacobs, Rainbow in the Dark, Russ Dwarf, Darrel Dwarf Millar, Pat McGuire, Mr. Gee, Sandy Willis, Nashville Metal Bands, Claire D.
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