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HONEYMOON DISEASE – Part Human, Mostly Beast (Album Review)


Honeymoon DiseaseDo you like girls?  Me too.  How about girls that rock?  Honeymoon Disease, out of Gothenburg, Sweden, is a quartet.  But not your everyday quartet – they’re fronted by a couple of hard-rockin’ chicks, Jenna (vocals and guitar) and Acid (lead guitar).  The band is rounded out by their rhythm section, Cedric (bass) and Jimi (drums).  They offer a sonic and visual portal back to the 1970s. They describe their own sound as “groovy,” which is accurate.  The guitar riffs are 70’s back-to-basics fare without a whole lot of effects, a la early AC/DCJenna sings with a Pat Benatar-esque attitude.  Aesthetically, they come complete with bell bottoms, headbands, and Neal Schon’s Santana era mustache – think 1970s Eagles, but grimier…and with a couple of chicks. Hell, even their videos have a scratchy 1970s grindhouse effect and feature cool gas guzzling 1970s American cars.

The new album is titled, Part Human, Mostly Beast, and flows very much from the same vein as the first two Runaways albums. The guitars are engineered to bring out a raw 70’s vintage tone, before the 1980s when guitarists began marinating themselves in chorus, reverb, and flange. The first five tunes are hard rockers, including the single, “Doin’ It Again”. Then, when the album teeters on the edge of monotony, enter the sixth track, “Fly Bird, Fly High”, a high energy 12 bar blues number, oozing with Chuck Berry style lead fills. I actually thought it was a “Johnny B. Goode” remake until I started listening more intently to the lyrics. Good shit. From there, the album continues as it started, by rocking, including the second single, “Four Stroke Woman”.

This is the band’s second album. They admittedly tried to capture their intense, high energy live sound. I’m not sure they succeeded. Although these songs would sound great live, the album doesn’t have a live feel. But no sweat, the album sounds like a muffy vinyl 1970s studio album – which is a cool vibe in its own right.

Check out the official music video below for, “Electric Eel”, the twelfth track on the album:

BUY: Partly Human, Mostly Beast

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