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CRYSTAL PISTOL – Crystal Pistol (Retro-Review)


Crystal Pistol - Crystal Pistol - Decibel GeekSo, like a good many of us, I’m sure, I belong to many different groups on Facebook. Every once in awhile a post in one of those groups grabs my attention and begs for a comment. In this case that I’m about to speak of, esteemed fellow Decibel Geek writer and CGwbCM Podcast co-host Wally “Wallygator” Norton posed a question. Young Mr. Norton queried simply “Who are your favorite Canadian bands?”

The responses flew off the charts with comments, pics, and video postings. I had some great fun following all of the responses and comments. I was fondly reminded of not only some of the greats in Canadian rock music but some obscurities as well. I was surprised to see someone post the YouTube link for “Pine Valley” from Mushroom Trail! I had played this track on the very first co-hosting Wally and I did of The Decibel Geek Podcast (Episode #59-Hoser Takeover). Very cool that someone else remembered the track.

But one post nagged at me. Don’t really know why even, but one member commented Crystal Pistol. Like I say it grabbed me and I had to search it out. Didn’t have to search too far as I did indeed have it in my collection. Had I ever even listened to this? Couldn’t say then, but I have now!

CRYSTAL PISTOL – A Little History

Crystal Pistol were a band from the early 2000’s based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The band’s Facebook page reports a biography of: Five drunk rock and rollers. It also supplies the names holding membership cards in the club as Mik Ireland (vocals), Brian Bresett (guitar), Pinto (guitar), Dave Troutman (drums) and Greg Laikin (bass). In 2005 Crystal Pistol unleashed their debut album, which went largely unnoticed by North American Radio. A successful European tour gained them fans there in a land where hard rock was still alive and well.

Crystal PistolSadly the band only remained in existence long enough to mark one album as their legacy. But wait, it seems Crystal Pistol are indeed alive and well, having played a gig in November 2016 according to the band’s Facebook page. Excellent news…..any more recordings in the tank boys?

CRYSTAL PISTOL – Crystal Pistol

The self-titled debut Crystal Pistol album from 2005 features 11 compositions. Of the eleven tracks, the first three (“Watch You Bleed”, “Rockstar” and “Locomotive”) are complete sleaze rockers. In “Rockstar” the band makes a statement that rings true with some of my own past, pre-Decibel Geek. The repeated line of the chorus “Everybody hates you when you love Rock N’ Roll!” probably resonates with more than just myself. Check out the video below for “Rockstar” and if you do some YouTube searching, you’ll also come across “Locomotive”.

Further into the record, Crystal Pistol seem to expand their horizons incorporating more of a punk feel to some of their work with tracks such as “XXIII” and “All The Freaks”. I can just feel the live energy that resonates from these high energy punk-infused bangers. The chorus of “Live Fast” screams of Roxx Gang to me. A fantastic song, fast-paced, snarling vocals, and a fist-pumping hooky chorus.

All in all a great listen top to bottom, the only real problem is that the bottom comes at you a little too quickly. Kind of like skydiving with a faulty parachute. A helluva rush but over way too fast. Eleven tracks long and the total runtime hits under 36 minutes! However short, a completely fun listen, kinda how music should be. Sometimes way too serious these days.

Final thoughts

I really have to thank the commenter on Wally‘s post. If not for him, Crystal Pistol may have remained shrouded in oblivion and collecting dust. He stated that he’d seen them on a bill with Faster Pussycat and Pretty Boy Floyd. What a great fit. If you like those bands, you like Crystal Pistol. You owe it to yourself to check it out.

BUY: Crystal Pistol

Crystal Pistol Facebook


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