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TYTAN – Justice Served (Album Review)


Tytan Justice ServedIt’s amazing the music discovery avenues we have in this day and age of the internet. There are the pros and cons, of course, overloading with music, missing the feeling of flipping through albums. cassettes, CDs in the shop for hours etc. But the doors are opened up worldwide to bands and albums that you may never have had access to before. And for the record, I for one still purchase music the old fashioned way whenever possible. I can tell you, this will be a definite purchase on vinyl if it’s available. I speak of Justice Served offered up by Tytan.

Welcome to Tytan and their new album Justice Served available May 26, 2017, from High Roller Records. The band Tytan was born back in 1981 after bassist Kevin Riddles departed Angel Witch. Alongside Riddles in his new band were drummer Dave Dufort (ex-E.F. Band, Angel Witch), Scottish vocalist Norman “Kal” Swan, and guitarists Steve Gibbs and Stuart Adams.

A rather revolving door began as members changed rapidly around Riddles. Stuart Adams gave way to Gary Owens, who was shortly replaced by Steve Mann. Replacing Dave Dufort (brother of Denise DufortGirlschool) didn’t last long for Les Binks (Judas Priest, Lionheart) as Tony Boden then filled the position. It wasn’t long before Boden was replaced by Simon Wright (AC/DC, DioRhino Bucket). As the latter section of 1982 rolled around Tytan issued “Blind Men and Fools” courtesy of Kamaflage Records. By summer of 1983, Tytan was gone. In 1985 London-based label Metal Masters released Tytan‘s album, Rough Justice, which had been recorded in 1982.

Thanks to an invitation to appear at 2012’s Keep It True Festival, Tytan resurfaced featuring Riddles, Gibbs and Mann from the early days. joining these guys would be vocalist Tom BarnaAndrew Thompson on keyboards, and drummer Andrew Prestidge (Angel Witch). Today Tytan realizes a membership of Riddles, Barna, and Thompson with James Wise (drums) and Dave Strange (guitar). In Nov 2014 Steve Mann moved to the role of consultant/producer to the band.

TYTAN Justice Served

And now it’s time for Justice Served, the forthcoming effort from Riddles and crew. Sometimes the music grabs you, often that result is best enjoyed when completely unexpected. Such is the case for Justice Served for me.

TytanAfter the little less than a minute intro, which I always discount as I’m not yet convinced these intros serve any purpose, things explode. No really, I mean explode epically. I absolutely love “Love You To Death”. What a wicked track. Catchy chorus, riffs embedding themselves into your gray matter with such a hold that you’ll wake up the next day with it as first thought. At least that’s what it did for me. Everything about this track is wonderous. The catchy vocal chorus, the infectious groove, the toe-tapping charge as the track barrels forward for almost 4 minutes.

Up next we are served “Fight the Fight”. A slower build into a rampaging romp before the vocals first hit creates a great atmosphere. Again the chorus has you compelling your fist not to fly into the air as you shout the chorus.

“Spitfire” is a little thrashier, sort of Motorhead-ish, booming and crashing through its nearly 3-minute playtime. The plodding bass lead in to “Reap The Whirlwind” shortly gives way to a pulsating beat and riff displaying an atmospheric epicness about it.

Anyone who knows me is aware of my insatiable love of ballads (sarcasm button off), so I do get a bit lost during the acoustic ballad “Midnight Sun”. Things snap back quickly however with the snarl of “Forever Gone” and fly through to the thunderous “Billy Who”.

Justice Served continues to impress throughout the remaining four tracks to create a completely enjoyable listening experience.

Final Words on Justice Served

Standout tracks already gravitated to my MP3 player include “Love You To Death”, “Fight The Fight” and “Hell’s Breath”, but really the whole album is fantastic. I would be very surprised if this recording doesn’t surface in my top ten albums of the year list. Justice Served indeed!

BUY: Justice Served



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