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PAUL STANLEY Says No To ACE FREHLEY Rejoining KISS. Again. (News)


Nothing gets the KISS Army all aflutter like the idea of Ace Frehley rejoining KISS.  And as long as Paul Stanley is willing to appear on Ace‘s album as he did on last years Origins Vol:1 for a cover of the Free song “Fire and Water”, and Gene Simmons hangs out with Ace to write songs, and Ace loses enough weight to fit into his old Spaceman spandex, they are going to be asked.  As Paul recently was on the Loudwire podcast.

Regarding Ace rejoining the band for a possible one off our series of shows:

“I would like to be friends with Ace forever, and although there may have been times where things have been a bit rough or touchy, I prefer and would love to keep our friendship going based on all the great things we’ve done together. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to reunite or remarry or whatever it is. You appreciate what you’ve done together, and sometimes you should realize that it was a certain point in your life and it was a certain time and it was right on many fronts, whereas it’s not the case now.”

That’s short of saying no.  But even if there is no chance it’s best for KISS if they leave it ambiguous.  And you know Ace will do his part as anytime he is asked he is sure to reply with something along the lines of “Never say never.”  Poor Peter.  No one ever asks if he’s coming back.


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