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FRONTLINE – Heroes (Album Review)




Frontline from Nürnberg, Germany are veterans of the German hard rock scene.  They were founded in 1989 by Robert Böbel (guitars,keyboards), Stephan Kämmerer (vocals), Thomas Riess (bass) and Stephan Bayerlein (drums).

Their debut album The State Of Rock was released in 1994.  This record was a breakthrough for the band in Japan, where they reached # 10 in the rock sales charts.  Straight after the release, Frontline went on tour and opened for classic acts such as Gotthard, Crash Test Dummies, Bonfire and Tyketto.

The band then issued another album called Two Faced in 1995, but Stephan Bayerlein and Thomas Riess left in 1996 and were replaced by Thomas “Hutch” Bauer (Bass) and Rami Ali (Drums).

In the same year, Frontline signed a record deal with a new label, recorded the single “Man In Motion” and the album Heroes, which only saw the light of day in Japan, due to their European label going out of business.

One year later, the band decided to start working on another new album which was known under its working title as Heroes II, but which never saw a release. Due to a complicated contractual situation, many labels were put off signing the band and they were forced to keep a low profile until Georg Siegl at AOR Heaven finally showed his interest in the band in the year 2000 and signed them.

AOR Heaven have now chosen to reissue the former Japanese only release Heroes as a limited edition of 1000 copies.  The album was  re-mastered by guitarist Robby Böbel.


The sun never sets on classic hard rock.  This album transports me back to the glorious days of the Eighties, with its signature guitar and keyboards.  The sound is like a mash-up of greats like Journey, Mr Mister and Loverboy.  It all has a summer feel, which makes it ideal for driving with the sun beating down and adrenaline levels up.  The whole album oozes class and makes me smile so much; it is truly a med to cure the blues.  The singing of Kämmerer is very much inspired by Steve Perry, but is fantastic.  The guitar work is flashy, but tasteful (think Ritchie Sambora) and the keyboards are warm and uplifting.  The whole record energizes like 100,000 volts of caffeine.

The best tracks are “On The Run“, “Sign Of Light” and “Tonite We Set“.  There is very little in the way of innovation, but who needs that when you are transported back to them Glory Days – excuse me now, I’m off to watch Top Gun and rediscover my youth!

– Coxy

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1 thought on “FRONTLINE – Heroes (Album Review)”

  1. BONJOUR!….pas trop d’accord avec votre analyse sur cet album magnifique AOR MUSIC….comparer ROBBY BOBEL à …RITCHIE SAMBORA…( que je respecte beaucoup..)…c’est un peu comparer MIREILLE MATHIEU à …. SHAKIRA.!!!!…leur jeu de guitare n’a rien à voir!…..ROBBY BOBEL est un des guitaristes les plus inspires que je connaisse….j’écoute du hard-rock….metal…fm…aor….depuis l’age de 16ans….j’en ai.. 63…cette année!!…c’est dire le nombre de groupes que j’ai pu entendre!!…..CET ALBUM EST UN MUST!!!…ET FRONTLINE EST UN DE MES GROUPES PREFERES!!!…..en tout cas ACHETER CE DISQUE….CAR IL VAUT VRAIMENT LE DETOUR!!….UN GRAND MERCI A ..AOR HEAVEN de reediter cette merveille!!!…………..UN GRAND FAN !! DANIEL.

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