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RON RUNYON Lost In Sweden (News)


Decibel Geek‘s YouTube Master thought he would be the big man. And it’s gotten him into trouble! You see last year was the first time that our very own Rockin’ Ron Runyon ventured beyond the borders of the United States. This brought the discovery of his directional challenge issues. I mean, the guy got lost trying to exit the Toronto airport during his layover. Yes, that’s right not lost in the city, lost in the airport. Big Ron successfully navigated his way through the TSA checkpoint three times in trying to exit. Thankfully the same agent he’d passed each time took pity and directed our hero out into the world. Read Ron‘s own story of His First Time.

God bless Rockin’ Ron. He again wished to return with the rest of the Decibel Geek team to Sweden Rock in 2018. This time there would be no-one joining him on the leg of the journey from the Toronto layover to Copenhagen. How he expected to navigate through the airport in a foreign country let alone buy tickets and take the train to the festival area we’ll never know.

The rest of team Decibel Geek didn’t wish to miss any of the festival and so we moved on without Ron. Always leave a man behind? If you see him wandering lost in your local airport, please put him on a flight to Copenhagen…or home to his wife!

Sweden Rock 2018The Full Coverage

Keep an eye on Decibel Geek for all your Sweden Rock news and coverage. The Decibel Geek team once again descends upon Sweden Rock 2018! As a result of the roster already revealed, there’s no way we’d miss out on this event! Our full coverage page will hold all our reports, so check back often: Sweden Rock 2018The Full Coverage




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