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Show Review: The Alcohollys at CTO


Yes, like The Meister I admit to being on the older side of old. Never a bad thing it just means I appreciate seeing a show before my regular scheduled bedtime which is by the way when I am tired….being old that means earlier than most.

That said, I can pull an all-nighter no problem if I need to, without anything other than good live music.

the alcohollysThis said, it sure was nice to see The Alcohollys start a show at 10 pm. For my wife and I, this band is one of our faves and we always keep an eye out on the local scene for a show by them.

On this night we frequented a nice mall pub to watch a bit of hockey, then hit a local dive (that serves Bass/Goose Island and Bombay gin, take note people, dives do serve fine stuff!) for some more hockey, waiting for the doors to Call The Office to open. Finally, they did around 9:30.

As always The Alcohollys opened with “Flashback to ’93”, that amazing Korg sound starting it all off from lead vocalist Dana/”Kimber”. Kira, the bassist was sporting an STP shirt as I am sure an ode to Scott Weiland‘s passing.

Watching and listening to Mercedes/”Ruby” on the drum kit is always a treat! She never stops smiling as she bashes away and her timing is second to none, as well as her backing vocals. This band gets punk power pop rock melody to a tee!


A far underrated and unnoticed guitar player is Bri/”Maiden China”. How does she play that fast while furiously whiplashing hair and dancing around the stage? She not only has the guitar chops, she has stage presence, and sure seems to be having a ton of fun. Which is exactly what The Alcohollys are, fun!

The highlight is always their “Fox on the Run” cover. If you have a chance to see this band, they play around Toronto/Windsor/Detroit and in between, so do yourself a favour and go.

No pictures and no video from this show, we stood (and shook and swayed a tad) upfront and enjoyed.

  • Blair De Abreu

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