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Album Review: Enzo and the Glory Ensemble-In The Name of the Father


Album Review: Enzo and the Glory Ensemble: In The Name of the Father

Release Date: Dec. 24, 2015

enzo donnarummaTis the season to listen to Christian music, or at least, hear it playing all about! I have no qualms about labelling music as such, but there is no doubt here on this release exactly what the songs are about and in praise of. To be clear, I have no issue about this. It is the same regarding food for me. I don’t care so much what it is, does it taste good is all that matters.

This is a master planned recording from accomplished and acclaimed musician Enzo Donnarumma.

I love the way the album begins and won’t ruin it for you, very well done on that first track!

To be forewarned this is akin to opera in many facets, do not give up from track to track.

I also came into this listening with high expectations having been a fan of Orphaned Land for some time and the varying sounds they use in their music. With the link to this release, I am glad to hear the same in respect to so many ethnic sounds that are not quite standard in rock/metal at least not in the meat & potatoes North American market. Well done!

The upfront vocals are so very well done and produced cleanly. The backing vocals are equally amazing in the mix.

There are crunching guitars all around. I am sure longtime and well-known name Marty Friedman who is part of this project had something to do with this!


The bass is, thankfully, up front and centre as it should be. Take note bands, do not hide this instrument and sound!

I cannot simply write about and break down each track because it is a flow that really should be listened to start to finish. If you do take the time to give this release a listen, do yourself a favour and allow time for the entire album to play through. 45 minutes or so for the 12 tracks/prayers. I enjoyed each and every track and thought the final track is terrific and the layout of tracks was well thought out.

All in all, this is sadly not going to be the cup of tea for most, I realise that, simply because most won’t take their blinders/ear muffs off. However if you give it a chance the basics of metal are here, classical/opera/symphonic. There is a reason these sounds meld so well together. Mozart was an original metalhead in my collection! Regardless of your religious affiliation, or none for that matter, the musicianship and song structure is A+, to have these songs judged because of that would be a sad state of affairs to me.

  • Blair De Abreu


BUY: Enzo & The Glory Ensemble – In the Name of the Father (available Dec. 24, 2015)

Enzo & The Glory Ensemble (Underground Symphony Records) / Underground Symphony Records Facebook


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