In an interview seven years in the making, Vinnie Vincent joins us this week. Undoubtedly one of the most intense rock records ever made, Vinnie Vincent Invasion was a natural topic choice. Our Albums Unleashed criteria is simple; discuss the making of an album we love with a key player in its creation. The debut album by Vinnie Vincent Invasion is an over-the-top, face-melting masterpiece.
Vinnie Vincent
Vinnie is incredibly candid in this long-form discussion. After thirty-plus years of others sharing their story on this album, it’s namesake goes on on the record to share his memories. Moreover, Vinnie discusses the back story of how Invasion went from being an album title into becoming a band. Additionally, you’ll hear him share revelations never heard about the studio environment for this album. Notably, the intense, meticulous nature of how this album was pieced together is an interesting story unto itself.
As can be seen, 2018 is shaping up to be the comeback year of Vinnie Vincent. Since his return at the Atlanta KISS Expo in January, Vinnie has been ever-present online and in public. He’s made appearances at Orlando’s Spooky Empire convention as well as Gene Simmons’ recent Vault Experience stop in Nashville. He’s got upcoming appearances at the Chiller Theatre expo as well as Days of the Dead and a special appearance at The Gathering 3 ahead of the KISS Kruise.
Vinnie recently launched his official website. You can keep track of his personal appearances and buy autographed merchandise at the online store. He’s also very interactive with fans on his official Facebook fan page.
The Decibel Geek Podcast truly thanks Vinnie Vincent for appearing on the show. Additional thanks to Randy Dietrich for his help setting up this interview.
Also Check Out:
Vinnie Vincent Reaction (Atlanta KISS Expo Recap) – Ep309
Top 5 Vinnie Vincent Solos – Ep308
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8 thoughts on “Vinnie Vincent Reflects on Invasion Debut (Albums Unleashed) – Ep318”
Wow…. this interview is amazing… possibly the best interview I have ever heard…. Thanks guys!
This is great but you need help with the production. The audio comes in to quick. Fade it up and then down and no vocals in the bed music. C’mon. Basic stuff here.
Thanks for the interview with Vinnie Vincent.
Love the 1st Invasion Album. Enjoyed Vinnie breaking it down.
Great interview. Vinnie was honest and detailed which was amazing. Lots of great information including the tour info Vinnie offered.
I have waited what seems a lifetime to hear a interview like this. Truly amazing! This album has been with me since high school and I just turned 50. Vinnie sounds happy and honored to talk about this masterpiece. Such as treat to hear a artist speak so personally. Thank you vinnie!
Vinnie fucking rocks !! Vinnie Vincent is the best !!
Kelly Hansen collaboration with Vinnie Vincent!? WHO DO I HAVE TO SLEEP WITH TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!?
The drums thing with Vinnie is very strange to me . There was a point in the late 80s where electronic drums were the rage. Maybe thats a little of what he was refering to. But the groove can never be replaced with a machine.
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