It is no secret I LOVE 80’s Hard Rock, Hair Metal and Pop Metal. It was the soundtrack of my youth and continues to comprise probably 80% of my iPod and listening time. You can slag on the 80’s all you want but it was a great time to be a teenager, the music was loud and more than anything else it was FUN! If nothing else, 2016 has been a year of discovery for me. Probably the greatest discovery of this year has been the number of new bands writing new music that sound, smell, and taste like the glory days of the 80’s. Early in 2016, I was introduced to Decibel Geek favorites, Love Razer who in turn introduced me to Armageddon Roxx who then introduced me to Idora. This last introduction comes in the form of Wildcat, the 2016 release from a band named after a neighborhood in Youngstown, Ohio.
It turns out that Idora was the neighborhood that guitar player Mike Floros and vocalist Brian Colkitt grew up in. They cut their teeth on KISS, Dokken, Stryper and all the 80’s metal had to offer. Fast forward to 2016, Mike now lives in Los Angeles, Brian in Phoenix but they managed to deliver Wildcat, Idora‘s follow up to the 2015 EP Above The Law.
Wildcat features 10 tracks with Mike and Brian alternating the vocal duties on the disk. Influences proudly on every sleeve, this CD is dripping 80’s riff rock pretty much from top to bottom. The title track “Wildcat” tastes like vintage Dokken and quite honestly, that’s a great place to start in my opinion. For the shredders reading this, check out the solo here, very tasty.
A cover of Y&T‘s “Go For The Throat” had me double check what I was listening to. Mike‘s vocal would likely have Dave Meineketti doing the same. Great choice for a cover and an absolute killer delivery. Look, if you can hang with Y&T on the fretboard AND vocals your alright by me. “Lil Miss Rosie” remains one of my favorite tracks. A very cool, sweeping guitar intro builds the track up before Brian kicks in with the vocals and a funky little bass line. Big singalong chorus and just a melodic fun rocker.
“Saints And Sinners” and “Superman” would round out my personal standout tracks. Another 2016 release with both feet (or would that be ears?) planted in vintage 80’s sound and style. Between you and me, I hope this trend of loud guitars, melodic guitar solos, and singalong choruses continues long into 2017. Now excuse me, time to hit repeat and dive into the Wildcat CD one more time. Happy New Year!
5 thoughts on “What Year Is This? IDORA – Wildcat (Album Review)”
Sorry but I’m not sure what the hype is all about here. This album sounds like a demo tape from the early 80’s where the band was almost always better than their singer.
Jealous or just stupid?
LOL @ Justin Heat. Funny stuff, brah!
Can’t please everyone. Thanks for giving us a listen, at least.
Thanks for the great review! We really appreciate the effort and time taken to give us a shot!
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